Inspirational Quotations

Inspirational Quotes by Sidney Lanier (American Poet)

Sidney Lanier (1842–81,) fully Sidney Clopton Lanier, was a Southern Transcendentalist poet, novelist, and musician. He is noted for his scientific approach to poetry-writing, which broke from the traditional metrical techniques and making it more like a musical composition, as in ‘Corn’ and ‘The Symphony.’

Born in Macon, Georgia, Lanier was a Confederate private in Virginia. He later served as an advocate in Macon, a flute player with the Peabody Orchestra, Baltimore, and a lecturer in English literature at Johns Hopkins University (1879.)

Among Lanier’s writings are the novel Tiger Lilies (1867,) poetry, and critical studies such as The Science of English Verse (1880.) He died at age 39 from the difficulties of tuberculosis.

More: Wikipedia READ: Works by Sidney Lanier

If you want to be found, stand where the seeker seeks.
Sidney Lanier
Topics: Success, Simplicity

To be free is not to be independent of any form, it is to be master of many forms.
Sidney Lanier

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