Inspirational Quotations

Inspirational Quotes by Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet (English Politician)

Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton (1786–1845,) 1st Baronet was an English Member of Parliament, brewer, abolitionist and social reformer.

Source: Wikipedia (via CC-BY-SA license) READ: Works by Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet

Intercourse is the soul of progress.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Progress

I once met a man who had forgiven an injury. I hope some day to meet the man who has forgiven an insult.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet

Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Enthusiasm, Winning, Winners, Strength, Zeal

So long as he must fight his way, the man of genius pushes forward, conquering and to conquer. But how often is he at last overcome by a Capua! Ease and fame bring sloth and slumber.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet

One of the ill effects of cruelty is that it makes the by-standers cruel.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Cruelty

Stint yourself, as you think good, in other things; but don’t scruple freedom in brightening home. Gay furniture and a brilliant garden are a sight day by day, and make life blither.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Home

You would think that, if our lips were made of horn, and stuck out a foot or two from our faces, kisses at any rate would be done for. Not so. No creatures kiss each other so much as birds.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Kisses

The world abhors closeness, and all but admires extravagance; yet a slack hand shows weakness, and a tight hand strength.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Economy

I hold a doctrine, to which I owe not touch, indeed, but all the little I ever had, namely, that with ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Endurance, Resolve, Persistence, Perseverance

Christianity is intensely practical—She has no trait more striking than her common sense.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Christianity

The longer I live, the more deeply am I convinced that that which makes the difference between one man and another—between the weak and powerful, the great and insignificant, is energy—invisible determination—a purpose once formed, and then death or victory.—This quality will do anything that is to be done in the world; and no talents, no circumstances, no opportunities will make one a man without it.
Sir Thomas Buxton, 1st Baronet
Topics: Determination, Energy, Perseverance

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