Inspirational Quotations

Inspirational Quotes by Warren Farrell (American Educator, Activist)

Warren Thomas Farrell (b.1943) is an American educator, activist, and prominent voice in the Men’s movement.

Farrell came to prominence in the ’70s when he served on the New York City Board of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and advocated the cause of second-wave feminism. He is the author of seven books on men’s and women’s issues including The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex (1993) and Why Men Earn More: The Startling Truth Behind the Pay Gap (2005.)

Farrell encourages that “there should be neither a women’s movement blaming men, nor a men’s movement blaming women, but a gender liberation movement freeing both sexes from the rigid roles of the past toward more flexible roles for their future.”

More: Wikipedia READ: Works by Warren Farrell

We are all gifted of the mouth, retarded of the ear.
Warren Farrell

The function of gossip is to create an “in group” bond by creating an “out group” enemy.
Warren Farrell

Our choice of partners is perhaps the clearest single statement of our choice of values. Therefore, when we blame our partner for anything, we should really be confronting ourselves. Not as in “Yes, I made a bad choice,” but as in “How does this choice reflect my values?”
Warren Farrell

Men goeth to that place from which appreciation cometh.
Warren Farrell

Schools currently excel in encouraging children to express opinions, but are deficient in encouraging children to say, for example, “Oh, that’s different from my perspective … tell me more.”
Warren Farrell

The first instinctive response to any criticism is a defensive response. (The quicker the response, the more defensive.)
Warren Farrell

Male bashing is everywhere. It would be a mistake to view the current situation as another skirmish in the war between the sexes. Women have been doing the shooting, and men have been burying their heads in the sand, hoping the bullets will miss.
Warren Farrell
Topics: Men & Women

When we give trust, we receive trust. And people who trust us pay attention to us.
Warren Farrell

All defensive responses to criticism are natural. (It is natural to think of our own perspective before someone else’s.)
Warren Farrell

There should be neither a women’s movement blaming men, nor a men’s movement blaming women, but a gender liberation movement freeing both sexes from the rigid roles of the past toward more flexible roles for their future.
Warren Farrell

What’s true is that everyone is uncomfortable with expressing anger and being critical. Anger and criticism generates rejection. And everyone hates rejection.
Warren Farrell

When women hold off from marrying men, we call it independence. When men hold off from marrying women, we call it fear of commitment.
Warren Farrell
Topics: Women, Commitment

Killing the criticizer, then, is part of our evolutionary past; listening in response to criticism is part of our evolutionary future.
Warren Farrell

We are the offspring of approval-seekers. We want approval so badly that we vacillate between conforming to get it and standing out (being outstanding) to get it.
Warren Farrell

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