Inspirational Quotations

Inspirational Quotations on Battle

There are times when a battle decides everything, and there are times when the most insignificant thing can decide the outcome of a battle
Napoleon I (1769–1821) Emperor of France

Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.
Sun Tzu (fl. c.544–496 BCE) Chinese General, Military Theorist

Christianity is a battle not a dream.
Wendell Phillips (1811–84) American Abolitionist, Lawyer, Orator

Don’t fight a battle if you don’t gain anything by winning.
George S. Patton (1885–1945) American Military Leader

A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it.
Frederick Douglass (1817–95) American Abolitionist, Author, Editor, Diplomat, Political leader

Philosophy is a battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language.
Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889–1951) Austrian-born British Philosopher

Marriage is like life – it is a field of battle, not a bed of roses.
Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–94) Scottish Novelist

The hardest battle you’re ever going to fight is the battle to be just you.
Leo Buscaglia (1924–98) American Motivational Speaker

If the battle for civilization comes down to the wimps versus the barbarians, the barbarians are going to win.
Thomas Sowell (b.1930) American Conservative Economist, Political Commentator

The first blow is half the battle.
Oliver Goldsmith (1730–74) Irish Novelist, Playwright, Poet

France has lost the battle but she has not lost the war
Charles de Gaulle (1890–1970) French General, Statesman

The one who figures on victory at headquarters before even doing battle is the one who has the most strategic factors on his side
Sun Tzu (fl. c.544–496 BCE) Chinese General, Military Theorist

Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people’s unity against the great enemy of mankind: the United States of America. Wherever death may surprise us, let it be welcome, provided that this, our battle cry, may have reached some receptive ear, that another hand may be extended to wield our weapons, and that other men be ready to intone our funeral dirge with the staccato singing of the machine guns and new battle cries of war and victory.
Che Guevara (1928–67) Argentine-Cuban Revolutionary

A good battle plan that you act on today can be better than a perfect one tomorrow
George S. Patton (1885–1945) American Military Leader

I cannot lead you into battle. I do not give you laws or administer justice but I can do something else – I can give my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.
Queen Elizabeth II (1926–2022) Queen of United Kingdom

There is no glory in battle worth the blood it costs
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969) American Head of State, Military Leader

Our cause, then, must be intrusted to, and conducted by its own undoubted friends—those whose hands are free, whose hearts are in the? work—who do care for the result. Two years ago the Republicans of the nation mustered over thirteen hundred thousand strong. We did this under the single impulse of resistance to a common danger, with every external circumstance against us. Of strange, discordant, and even, hostile elements, we gathered from the four winds, and formed and fought the battle through, under the constant hot fire of a disciplined, proud, and pampered enemy. Did we brave all then, to falter now?—now—when that same enemy is wavering, dissevered and belligerent? The result is not doubtful. We shall not fail—if we stand firm, we shall not fail. Wise councils may accelerate or mistakes delay it, but, sooner or later the victory is sure to come.
Abraham Lincoln (1809–65) American Head of State

In a battle all you need to make you fight is a little hot blood and the knowledge that it’s more dangerous to lose than to win.
George Bernard Shaw (1856–1950) Irish Playwright

Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter
Winston Churchill (1874–1965) British Head of State, Political leader, Historian, Journalist, Author

Pessimism never won any battle.
Dwight D. Eisenhower (1890–1969) American Head of State, Military Leader

Never has there been a good war or a bad peace
Benjamin Franklin (1706–90) American Political Leader, Inventor, Diplomat

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle
George S. Patton (1885–1945) American Military Leader

I believe in the battle – whether it’s the battle of a campaign or the battle of this office, which is a continuing battle.
Richard Nixon (1913–94) American Head of State, Lawyer

In the battle of existence, Talent is the punch; Tact is the clever footwork
Wilson Mizner (1876–1933) American Dramatist

A constant struggle, a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings, is the price of all great achievements.
Orison Swett Marden (1850–1924) American New Thought Writer, Physician, Entrepreneur

Carry the battle to them. Don’t let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive and don’t ever apologize for anything
Harry S. Truman (1884–1972) American Head of State

If I had believed in a God of rewards and punishments, I might have lost courage in battle
Napoleon I (1769–1821) Emperor of France

A leader who doesn’t hesitate before he sends his nation into battle is not fit to be a leader.
Golda Meir (1898–1978) Israeli Head of State

To conquer oneself is a greater victory than to conquer thousands in a battle.
Buddhist Teaching

No battle plan survives contact with the enemy
Colin Powell (1937–2021) American Military Leader


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