Inspirational Quotations

Inspirational Quotations on Support

It is amazingly empowering to have the support of a strong, motivated, and inspirational group of people.
Susan Jeffers (1938–2012) American Psychologist, Self-Help Author

The finest gift you can give anyone is encouragement. Yet, almost no one gets the encouragement they need to grow to their full potential. If everyone received the encouragement they need to grow, the genius in most everyone would blossom and the world would produce abundance beyond the wildest dreams. We would have more than one Einstein, Edison, Schweitzer, Mother Theresa, Dr. Salk and other great minds in a century.
Sidney Madwed (1926–2013) American Poet, Author

The real people nation have for centuries had the practice at birth of speaking the same first phrase to all newborns. Each person hears the same exact first human words: “We love you and support you on the journey”. At their final celebration, everyone hugs them and repeats the phrase again.
Marlo Morgan (1937–98) American Novelist, Author

A word of encouragement during failure is worth more than a dictionary of praise after success.

Look up, and not down; Out and not in; Forward and not back; And lend a hand.
Edward Everett Hale (1822–1909) American Unitarian Clergyman, Writer

The Coach is the antidote to the Victim’s Rescuer in the DDT…Mainly, a Coach supports, assists, and facilitates the Creator in manifesting a desired outcome. A Coach holds others to be whole, resourceful, and creative…They help you dig deep inside yourself to gain clarity about what you want to create in your life.
David Emerald

Any man’s life will be filled with constant, unexpected encouragements of this kind if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day of his life — that is, tries to make each day reach as nearly as possible the high-water mark of pure, unselfish, useful living.
Booker T. Washington (1856–1915) African-American Educationist

Correction does much, but encouragement does more. Encouragement after censure is as the sun after a shower.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749–1832) German Poet

Most of the high spots in our lives come about through encouragement. I don’t care how great, how famous, how successful a man may be, he hungers for applause.

As Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor, Nobel laureate, and supporter of the Tibetan people, “We must understand that there can be no life without risk—and when your spirit is strong, everything else is secondary, even the risks.
Robert Cooper (b.1947) British Diplomat

For some reason, when you become a support to others, you become bigger than you are.
Susan Jeffers (1938–2012) American Psychologist, Self-Help Author

You can rest assured that if you devote your time and attention to the highest advantage of others, the Universe will support you, always and only in the nick of time.
Buckminster Fuller (1895–1983) American Inventor, Philosopher

There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else. I don’t care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause.
George Madison Adams (1837–1920) American Politician, Military Leader

Stay with friends who support you in these. Talk with them about sacred texts, and how you are doing, and how they are doing, and keep your practices together.
Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi (1207–73) Persian Muslim Mystic

A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than a giant himself.
Robert Burton (1577–1640) English Scholar, Clergyman

The way you talk about yourself and your life—your story—has a great deal to do with what shows up in your day-to-day experience. Your thoughts create filters through which you view your life. If you think of yourself as a Victim, you filter all that happens to you through the lens of DDT, and you find plenty of evidence to support that viewpoint. That’s why the orientation you adopt is so important: it exerts a powerful influence on your life direction.
David Emerald

Here is the basic rule for winning success. Let’s mark it in the mind and remember it. The rule is: Success depends on the support of other people. The only hurdle between you and what you want to be is the support of other people.
David J. Schwartz (1927–87) American Self-help Author

There are high spots in all of our lives and most of them have come about through encouragement from someone else. I don’t care how great, how famous or successful a man or woman may be, each hungers for applause.
George Matthew Adams (1878–1962) American Columnist, Journalist

The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run even faster if encouraged.
Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso) (c.43 BCE–c.18 CE) Roman Poet

Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. Love me and I may be forced to love you.
William Arthur Ward (1921–94) American Author

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.
Oprah Winfrey (b.1954) American TV Personality


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